Terrible Ferret DKP
@Blackrock Horde

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Terrible Ferret: Udon
Earned: 939.00 Spent: 762.00 Adjustment: -62.00 Current: 115.00
Last 30 Days: 0% of raids Last 60 Days: 0% of raids Last 90 Days: 0% of raids Lifetime (09/05/07 - 07/11/08): 89% of raids

Raid Attendance History
Date Name Note Earned Current
07/11/08 Sunwell Plateau bru 1.00 939.00
07/10/08 Black Temple BT 5Boss 5.00 938.00
07/10/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos/Bru(try) 2.00 933.00
07/09/08 Black Temple BT 4Boss 4.00 931.00
07/04/08 Black Temple BT 2Boss 2.00 927.00
07/03/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)1 1.00 925.00
07/03/08 Black Temple BT 3Boss 3.00 924.00
06/30/08 Sunwell Plateau 双子(try) 5.00 921.00
06/29/08 Magtheridons Lair mag 1.00 916.00
06/28/08 Sunwell Plateau Brutallus 1dkp/felmyst 初Kill 20dkp /双子(Try 1dkp 22.00 915.00
06/26/08 Black Temple [BT] 4boss 4.00 893.00
06/25/08 Black Temple [BT] 5boss 5.00 889.00
06/23/08 Magtheridons Lair mag 1.00 884.00
06/22/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Felmyst(try)5 5.00 883.00
06/22/08 Gruuls Lair gruul 2.00 878.00
06/22/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] 4boss 4.00 876.00
06/22/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus1 1.00 872.00
06/20/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos/bru (try 2.00 871.00
06/20/08 Hyjal Summit hyjal 1boss 1.00 869.00
06/19/08 Black Temple [BT] 3boss 3.00 868.00
06/19/08 Black Temple [BT] 6boss 6.00 865.00
06/15/08 Sunwell Plateau felmyst (try 5.00 859.00
06/15/08 Gruuls Lair gruul 2.00 854.00
06/14/08 25men代替Raid raid無し 2.00 852.00
06/12/08 Sunwell Plateau bru/felmyst(try 6.00 850.00
06/12/08 Black Temple BT 3Boss 3.00 844.00
06/11/08 Sunwell Plateau SWP 1st 1.00 841.00
06/11/08 Black Temple BT 6 boss 6.00 840.00
06/07/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Felmyst(try)2 2.00 834.00
06/07/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00 832.00
06/07/08 Black Temple BT 2boss 2.00 831.00
06/06/08 Hyjal Summit hyjal 5boss 5.00 829.00
06/06/08 Sunwell Plateau Brutallus 20.00 824.00
06/05/08 Black Temple [BT] 3boss 3.00 804.00
06/05/08 Black Temple [BT] 4boss 4.00 801.00
06/04/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos1 1.00 797.00
05/31/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP] farm2 2.00 796.00
05/30/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run 5.00 794.00
05/28/08 Black Temple [BT] 6boss 6.00 789.00
05/24/08 The Eye [TK] 3boss 3.00 783.00
05/24/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus(try)2 2.00 780.00
05/23/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run +5DKP 5.00 778.00
05/23/08 Sunwell Plateau Brutallus try 2.00 773.00
05/22/08 Black Temple BT4boss 4.00 771.00
05/22/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos 1.00 767.00
05/21/08 Black Temple BT5boss 5.00 766.00
05/19/08 The Eye [TK] 2boss 2.00 761.00
05/18/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus(try)2 2.00 759.00
05/18/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]2boss 2.00 757.00
05/17/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus(try)2 2.00 755.00
05/17/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]3boss 3.00 753.00
05/17/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00 750.00
05/17/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00 749.00
05/17/08 Sunwell Plateau Kalecgos First Kill 20.00 747.00
05/14/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 727.00
05/14/08 Black Temple [BT] 2boss 2.00 725.00
05/11/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 723.00
05/11/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]3boss 3.00 721.00
05/11/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 718.00
05/10/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]2boss 2.00 716.00
05/10/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 714.00
05/09/08 Black Temple [BT] 4boss 4.00 712.00
05/08/08 Black Temple BT3boss 3.00 708.00
05/08/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos Try 2.00 705.00
05/07/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos Try 2.00 703.00
05/07/08 Black Temple BT2Boss 2.00 701.00
05/05/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 699.00
05/05/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 697.00
05/03/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 695.00
05/03/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 693.00
05/02/08 Black Temple [BT]Council1/Illidan1 2.00 691.00
05/02/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00 689.00
05/02/08 Black Temple [BT]Mother1 1.00 688.00
05/01/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]Full run +5DKP 5.00 687.00
04/30/08 Black Temple [BT] 6boss 6.00 682.00
04/30/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00 676.00
04/28/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]GEM farm1(成果 2HでGEMx8+Epic皮手1個) 1.00 674.00
04/27/08 Sunwell Plateau [SW] Kalecgos(try)1 1.00 673.00
04/25/08 Hyjal Summit Hyjal Fullrun 5.00 672.00
04/25/08 Magtheridons Lair mag 1.00 667.00
04/24/08 Black Temple Mother/BE/Illidan 3.00 666.00
04/24/08 Gruuls Lair Gruul 2.00 663.00
04/24/08 Black Temple BT6boss 6.00 661.00
04/20/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP] Kalecgos(try)1 1.00 655.00
04/19/08 Serpentshrine Cavern [SSC]Hydross1/Lurker1/Vashj1/Leotheras1 4.00 654.00
04/16/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run +5DKP 5.00 650.00
04/16/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00 645.00
04/14/08 Sunwell Plateau [SW] Trash farm 1.00 643.00
04/13/08 Sunwell Plateau [SW] Kalecgos(try)1 1.00 642.00
04/13/08 The Eye [TK]Kael > VR 2.00 641.00
04/12/08 Serpentshrine Cavern [SSC]Hydross > Lurker > Leoth > Fathom > Vashj 5.00 639.00
04/12/08 The Eye alar 1.00 634.00
04/11/08 Black Temple Mother/BE/Illidan 3.00 633.00
04/10/08 Black Temple BT6boss 6.00 630.00
04/10/08 Magtheridons Lair Mag 1.00 624.00
04/10/08 Gruuls Lair Gruul 2.00 623.00
04/09/08 Hyjal Summit Hyjal Fullrun 5.00 621.00
04/06/08 The Eye alar/Kael(try 2.00 616.00
04/06/08 Black Temple BE/Illidan 2.00 614.00
04/06/08 Black Temple [BT]Teron Gorefiend1/Gurtogg Bloodboil1/Mother Shahraz1 3.00 612.00
... found 301 attended raid(s) / 100 per page

Item Purchase History
Date Name Raid Spent Current
Chestguard of the Fallen Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Chestguard of the Fallen Hero Magtheridons Lair 0.00 762.00 06/07/08 The Skull of Gul'dan Black Temple 80.00 762.00 06/06/08 Belt of the Forgotten Conqueror Sunwell Plateau 80.00 682.00 05/17/08 Bracers of the Forgotten Conqueror Sunwell Plateau 20.00 602.00 05/10/08 Design: Veiled Pyrestone Hyjal Summit 0.00 582.00 05/09/08 Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer Black Temple 40.00 582.00 05/02/08 Eye of Magtheridon Magtheridons Lair 5.00 542.00 04/24/08 Leggings of the Forgotten Conqueror Black Temple 34.00 537.00 04/19/08
Gloves of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Gloves of the Vanquished Hero
Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 503.00 04/16/08 Gloves of the Forgotten Conqueror Hyjal Summit 5.00 503.00 04/13/08
Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero
The Eye 0.00 498.00 03/30/08 Pauldrons of the Forgotten Conqueror Black Temple 40.00 498.00 03/17/08
Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero
Gruuls Lair 0.00 458.00 03/08/08 Chestguard of the Forgotten Conqueror Black Temple 80.00 458.00 03/03/08 Nethervoid Cloak Hyjal 10.00 378.00 02/21/08
Helm of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Helm of the Vanquished Hero
Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 368.00 02/20/08 Ring of Captured Storms Black Temple 12.00 368.00 02/17/08
Leggings of the Fallen Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Leggings of the Fallen Hero
Gruuls Lair 0.00 356.00 02/16/08 Design: Sovereign Shadowsong Amethyst Hyjal Summit 0.00 356.00 02/13/08 Design: Stormy Empyrean Sapphire Hyjal Summit 0.00 356.00 02/08/08
Ring of Endless Coils
Binds when picked up
+31 Stamina
Requires Level 70
Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 37. 
Equip: Improves spell critical strike rating by 22.


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Ring of Endless Coils Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 356.00 02/06/08 Boots of the Shifting Nightmare Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 356.00 01/31/08 Design: Great Lionseye Hyjal Summit 0.00 356.00 01/31/08 Cuffs of Devastation Hyjal Summit 5.00 356.00 01/27/08 Waistwrap of Infinity Black Temple 5.00 351.00 01/26/08 Gloves of the Forgotten Conqueror Hyjal Summit 40.00 346.00 01/25/08
Verdant Sphere
Binds when picked up
This Item Begins a Quest
Requires Level 70
\'A magical sphere belonging to the lord of the blood elves.\'


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Verdant Sphere The Eye 44.00 306.00 01/20/08 Design: Shifting Shadowsong Amethyst Hyjal Summit 0.00 262.00 01/15/08 Helm of the Forgotten Conqueror Hyjal Summit 60.00 262.00 01/10/08
Helm of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Helm of the Vanquished Hero
Serpentshrine Cavern 5.00 202.00 01/10/08
Cord of Screaming Terrors
Binds when picked up
121 Armor
+34 Stamina
+15 Intellect
\'yellow\'  Yellow Socket
\'yellow\'  Yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: +4 Stamina
Requires Level 70
Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 50. 
Equip: Improves spell hit rating by 24.


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Cord of Screaming Terrors Serpentshrine Cavern 5.00 197.00 12/21/07 Chestguard of the Vanquished Hero The Eye 60.00 192.00 12/19/07 Wand of the Forgotten Star The Eye 26.00 132.00 11/24/07 Void Star Talisman The Eye 0.00 106.00 11/18/07
Gloves of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Gloves of the Vanquished Hero
Serpentshrine Cavern 30.00 106.00 11/14/07 Cowl of the Grand Engineer The Eye 7.00 76.00 11/02/07
Mindstorm Wristbands
Binds when picked up
94 Armor
+13 Stamina
+13 Intellect
Requires Level 70
Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 36. 
Equip: Improves spell critical strike rating by 23.


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Mindstorm Wristbands The Eye 5.00 69.00 10/18/07 Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 64.00 10/10/07 Robe of Hateful Echoes Serpentshrine Cavern 9.00 64.00 10/06/07
Leggings of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Leggings of the Vanquished Hero
Serpentshrine Cavern 15.00 55.00 10/01/07
Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero
The Eye 18.00 40.00 09/30/07 Magtheridon's Head Magtheridons Lair 7.00 22.00 09/19/07
Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero
Gruuls Lair 10.00 15.00 09/05/07
Leggings of the Fallen Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Leggings of the Fallen Hero
Gruuls Lair 5.00 5.00 ... found 44 purchased item(s) / 100 per page

Individual Adjustment History
Date Reason Adjustment
07/03/08 BT AkamaからGoreまで参加 -2 -2.00
06/19/08 06/18 BT +6DKP修正(5ボス分参加の為) -1DKP -1.00
05/29/08 5/28 BT +6DKPの修正(4ボス分参加) -2DKP -2.00
05/16/08 Sunmote購入(Tailorの手製作用に Sunmotex6(30DKP)) -30.00
05/01/08 Epic Gem購入(T6パンツ用にオレンジ1個 2dkp) -2.00
05/01/08 Epic Gem購入(T6頭と手の付け直し用にオレンジ1個と黄色1個をお願いします 5DK -5.00
04/09/08 04/06 TK +2DKP修正(1ボスのみ参加の為) -1DKP -1.00
04/05/08 04/04 BT +4DKP修正(3ボスのみ参加の為) -1DKP -1.00
04/03/08 04/02 SSC 3DKP修正(2ボスのみ参加)-1DKP -1.00
03/09/08 Epic Gem購入(T6Chest用にYellowGem1個(Hit+10)とRed2個(Spell+12) -15DKP) -15.00
02/01/08 Epic Gem購入(T6 Hand用YellowGem 1個 5DKP) -5.00
12/13/07 12/12 TK修正(待機 回線不調)+2DKP -1.00
10/25/07 10/17 SSC修正(途中抜け 3ボス参加)+3DKP -1.00
09/05/07 初参加ボーナス +5 5.00
... found 14 individual adjustment(s)

Attendance by Event
Event Percent
2 (100%)
Black Temple
69 (90%)
1 (100%)
Hyjal Summit
39 (87%)
4 (100%)
Serpentshrine Cavern
58 (97%)
Sunwell Plateau
37 (82%)
The Eye
40 (93%)
7 (100%)

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