Terrible Ferret DKP
@Blackrock Horde

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Terrible Ferret: Kohbo
Earned: 644.00 Spent: 317.00 Adjustment: -44.00 Current: 283.00
Last 30 Days: 0% of raids Last 60 Days: 0% of raids Last 90 Days: 0% of raids Lifetime (08/29/07 - 06/12/08): 64% of raids

Raid Attendance History
Date Name Note Earned Current
06/12/08 Sunwell Plateau bru/felmyst(try 6.00 644.00
06/06/08 Sunwell Plateau Brutallus 20.00 638.00
06/05/08 Black Temple [BT] 3boss 3.00 618.00
06/04/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos1 1.00 615.00
05/31/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP] farm2 2.00 614.00
05/30/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run 5.00 612.00
05/28/08 Black Temple [BT] 6boss 6.00 607.00
05/24/08 The Eye [TK] 3boss 3.00 601.00
05/24/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00 598.00
05/24/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00 597.00
05/24/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus(try)2 2.00 595.00
05/23/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run +5DKP 5.00 593.00
05/23/08 Sunwell Plateau Brutallus try 2.00 588.00
05/22/08 Black Temple BT4boss 4.00 586.00
05/18/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus(try)2 2.00 582.00
05/18/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]2boss 2.00 580.00
05/17/08 Sunwell Plateau Kalecgos First Kill 20.00 578.00
05/16/08 Black Temple BE/Illidan 2.00 558.00
05/15/08 Black Temple [BT] 5boss 5.00 556.00
05/14/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 551.00
05/14/08 Black Temple [BT] 2boss 2.00 549.00
05/11/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 547.00
05/10/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]2boss 2.00 545.00
05/10/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00 543.00
05/09/08 Black Temple [BT] 4boss 4.00 541.00
05/08/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos Try 2.00 537.00
05/07/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos Try 2.00 535.00
05/07/08 Black Temple BT2Boss 2.00 533.00
05/02/08 Black Temple [BT]Council1/Illidan1 2.00 531.00
05/02/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00 529.00
05/02/08 Black Temple [BT]Mother1 1.00 528.00
05/01/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]Full run +5DKP 5.00 527.00
04/30/08 Black Temple [BT] 6boss 6.00 522.00
04/30/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00 516.00
04/28/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]GEM farm1(成果 2HでGEMx8+Epic皮手1個) 1.00 514.00
04/27/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)1 1.00 513.00
04/27/08 Sunwell Plateau [SW] Kalecgos(try)1 1.00 512.00
04/25/08 Hyjal Summit Hyjal Fullrun 5.00 511.00
04/25/08 Magtheridons Lair mag 1.00 506.00
04/24/08 Black Temple Mother/BE/Illidan 3.00 505.00
04/24/08 Gruuls Lair Gruul 2.00 502.00
04/24/08 Black Temple BT6boss 6.00 500.00
04/20/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP] Kalecgos(try)1 1.00 494.00
04/18/08 Black Temple BT6boss 6.00 493.00
04/16/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run +5DKP 5.00 487.00
04/16/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00 482.00
04/13/08 Sunwell Plateau [SW] Kalecgos(try)1 1.00 480.00
04/13/08 The Eye [TK]Kael > VR 2.00 479.00
04/12/08 Serpentshrine Cavern [SSC]Hydross > Lurker > Leoth > Fathom > Vashj 5.00 477.00
04/12/08 The Eye alar 1.00 472.00
04/11/08 Black Temple Mother/BE/Illidan 3.00 471.00
04/10/08 Black Temple BT6boss 6.00 468.00
04/07/08 The Eye Void/solarian 2.00 462.00
04/06/08 The Eye alar/Kael(try 2.00 460.00
04/06/08 Black Temple BE/Illidan 2.00 458.00
04/06/08 Black Temple [BT]Teron Gorefiend1/Gurtogg Bloodboil1/Mother Shahraz1 3.00 456.00
04/05/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00 453.00
04/05/08 Gruuls Lair [GL] King1/Gruul1 2.00 452.00
04/05/08 Black Temple [BT] High Warlord Naj'entus1/Supremus1/Shade of Akama1/Reliquary of Souls1 4.00 450.00
04/04/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Archimonde1 1.00 446.00
04/03/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]Rage Winterchil1/Anetheron1/Kaz'rogal1/Azgalor1/Archimonde(try)1 5.00 445.00
03/31/08 Sunwell Plateau [SW] Kalecgos(try)bonus+3DKP 3.00 440.00
03/30/08 Black Temple RoS/Mother/BE/Illidan 4.00 437.00
03/29/08 Black Temple Mag/Akama/Gorefiend/Boil 4.00 433.00
03/26/08 Hyjal Summit 4boss+Archimonde(try) 5.00 429.00
03/24/08 The Eye FullRun 4.00 424.00
03/23/08 Serpentshrine Cavern SSC FullRun&gruul 8.00 420.00
03/22/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]Anetheron1/Kaz'rogal1/Azgalor1/Archimonde1 4.00 412.00
03/21/08 Black Temple Boil/RoS/Mother/BE(try) 4.00 408.00
03/20/08 Black Temple Naj'entus/Supremus/Akama/Gorefiend 4.00 404.00
03/19/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]Rage Winterchill1 1.00 400.00
03/17/08 Serpentshrine Cavern [SSC]Full run +6DKP 6.00 399.00
03/16/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]Anetheron1/Kaz'rogal1/Azgalor1/Archimonde1 4.00 393.00
03/15/08 Black Temple Mother/BE/Illidan 3.00 389.00
03/14/08 Black Temple [BT]Reliquary of Souls1/Gurtogg Bloodboil1 2.00 386.00
03/12/08 Black Temple [BT]High Warlord Naj'entus1/Supremus1/Shade of Akama1/Teron Gorefiend1 4.00 384.00
03/12/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]Rage Winterchill1 1.00 380.00
03/10/08 The Eye [TK]Full run +4DKP 4.00 379.00
03/09/08 Serpentshrine Cavern [SSC]Fathom1/Vashj1 2.00 375.00
03/08/08 Serpentshrine Cavern [SSC]Morogrim1/Leotheras1/Fathom(server down)1 3.00 373.00
03/08/08 SSC 2boss 2.00 370.00
03/08/08 Black Temple Illidan1stKill 34.00 368.00
03/07/08 Black Temple [BT] Teron Gorefiend1/Mother Shahraz1/Illidari Council1 3.00 334.00
03/06/08 Black Temple 5boss 5.00 331.00
03/03/08 Hyjal 2boss 2.00 326.00
03/03/08 Black Temple [BT] Illidan Stormrage(try)1 1.00 324.00
03/02/08 Black Temple [BT] Illidan Stormrage(try)1 1.00 323.00
02/29/08 Black Temple council1/illdanTry 2.00 322.00
02/29/08 Black Temple boil/teron/mother 3.00 320.00
02/28/08 Black Temple High Warlord Naj'entus1/Supremus1/Shade of Akama1/Reliquary of Souls1 4.00 317.00
02/26/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run +5DKP 5.00 313.00
02/25/08 Black Temple [BT] Illidari Council(1st kill)3/Illidan Stormrage(try)1 4.00 308.00
02/24/08 Black Temple [BT] Reliquary of Souls1/Mother Shahraz1 2.00 304.00
02/23/08 Black Temple [BT]Gurtogg Bloodboil1 1.00 302.00
02/20/08 Black Temple [BT] High Warlord Naj'entus1/Supremus1/Shade of Akama1/Teron Gorefiend1 4.00 301.00
02/19/08 Black Temple [BT] Illidari Council(try)1 1.00 297.00
02/17/08 Hyjal+BT archi1/Council1(try) 2.00 296.00
02/17/08 Black Temple [BT] Teron Gorefiend1/Mother Shahraz(1st kill)3/Illidari Council(try)1 5.00 294.00
02/14/08 Black Temple [BT] High Warlord Naj'entus1/Supremus1/Shade of Akama1 3.00 289.00
02/13/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]Rage Winterchil1/Anetheron1 2.00 286.00
... found 201 attended raid(s) / 100 per page

Item Purchase History
Date Name Raid Spent Current
05/24/08 Pattern: Belt of Natural Power The Eye 0.00 317.00
05/17/08 Fang of Kalecgos Sunwell Plateau 5.00 317.00
05/07/08 Pattern: Bracers of Renewed Life Black Temple 0.00 312.00
04/30/08 Fists of Mukoa Black Temple 5.00 312.00
04/25/08 Valestalker Girdle Hyjal Summit 5.00 307.00
04/12/08 Band of Vile Aggression Serpentshrine Cavern 5.00 302.00
04/06/08 Chestguard of the Forgotten Protector Black Temple 70.00 297.00
04/06/08 Pauldrons of the Forgotten Protector Black Temple 6.00 227.00
03/29/08 Magtheridon's Head Black Temple 5.00 221.00
03/22/08 Helm of the Forgotten Protector Hyjal Summit 15.00 216.00
03/15/08 Forest Prowler's Helm Black Temple 5.00 201.00
03/08/08 Black Bow of the Betrayer Black Temple 5.00 196.00
02/28/08 Boneweave Girdle Black Temple 5.00 191.00
02/28/08 Pattern: Living Earth Bindings Black Temple 0.00 186.00
02/28/08 Halberd of Desolation Black Temple 5.00 186.00
02/26/08 Gloves of the Forgotten Protector Hyjal Summit 15.00 181.00
02/24/08 Pattern: Shoulders of Lightning Reflexes Black Temple 0.00 166.00
02/20/08 Wraps of Precise Flight Black Temple 5.00 166.00
Verdant Sphere
Binds when picked up
This Item Begins a Quest
Requires Level 70
\'A magical sphere belonging to the lord of the blood elves.\'


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Verdant Sphere TK+BT 30.00 161.00 02/10/08 Nether Vortex TK+BT 0.00 131.00 01/28/08 Vest of Mounting Assault Black Temple 5.00 131.00 01/27/08 Shoulders of the Hidden Predator Black Temple 5.00 126.00 01/26/08 Bristleblitz Striker Hyjal Summit 5.00 121.00 01/19/08 Nether Vortex Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 116.00 01/19/08 Nether Vortex Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 116.00 01/18/08 Legionkiller Black Temple 5.00 116.00 01/16/08 Pattern: Belt of the Black Eagle Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 111.00 01/15/08 Mail of Fevered Pursuit Hyjal Summit 5.00 111.00 01/13/08 Bow-stitched Leggings Hyjal Summit 5.00 106.00 01/13/08 Pattern: Bindings of Lightning Reflexes Hyjal Summit 0.00 101.00 01/12/08 Beast-tamer's Shoulders Hyjal Summit 5.00 101.00 01/12/08 Quickstrider Moccasins Hyjal Summit 5.00 96.00 01/12/08 Bracers of the Pathfinder Hyjal Summit 5.00 91.00 01/10/08 Cobra-Lash Boots Serpentshrine Cavern 5.00 86.00 01/05/08 Pattern: Swiftstrike Bracers Hyjal Summit 0.00 81.00 01/03/08 Nether Vortex The Eye 0.00 81.00 01/02/08 Nether Vortex Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 81.00 01/02/08
Helm of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Helm of the Vanquished Hero
Serpentshrine Cavern 15.00 81.00 01/02/08 Nether Vortex Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 66.00 12/23/07 Tsunami Talisman Serpentshrine Cavern 24.00 66.00 12/21/07 Twinblade of the Phoenix The Eye 5.00 42.00 12/19/07 Pattern: Belt of Deep Shadow The Eye 0.00 37.00 12/14/07
Leggings of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Leggings of the Vanquished Hero
Serpentshrine Cavern 7.00 37.00 12/14/07 Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 30.00 12/14/07 Nether Vortex Serpentshrine Cavern 0.00 30.00 12/13/07 Nether Vortex The Eye 0.00 30.00 12/13/07 Nether Vortex The Eye 0.00 30.00 12/13/07 Pattern: Monsoon Belt The Eye 0.00 30.00 12/01/07 Nether Vortex TK + SSC 0.00 30.00 12/01/07 Ranger-General's Chestguard TK + SSC 5.00 30.00 11/10/07
Bands of the Celestial Archer
Binds when picked up
394 Armor
+24 Intellect
+17 Agility
Requires Level 70
Increases attack power by 48. 
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 17.


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Bands of the Celestial Archer The Eye 0.00 25.00 10/20/07
Chestguard of the Fallen Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Chestguard of the Fallen Hero
Magtheridons Lair 5.00 25.00 10/02/07
Gloves of the Searing Grip
Binds when picked up
252 Armor
+33 Agility
+37 Stamina
Requires Level 70
Increases attack power by 66. 
Equip: Increases sword skill rating by 18. 
Equip: Increases fist skill rating by 18. 


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Gloves of the Searing Grip The Eye 0.00 20.00 10/01/07
Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero
The Eye 15.00 20.00 08/29/07
Leggings of the Fallen Hero
Binds when picked up
Classes: Warlock Mage Hunter
Requires Level 70


',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Leggings of the Fallen Hero
Gruuls Lair 5.00 5.00 ... found 55 purchased item(s) / 100 per page

Individual Adjustment History
Date Reason Adjustment
05/31/08 05/30 Hyjal +5DKP修正(2ボス分参加の為) -3DKP -3.00
05/29/08 5/28 BT +6DKPの修正(4ボス分参加) -2DKP -2.00
05/24/08 05/23 Hyjal +5DKP修正(1ボス分参加の為) -4DKP -4.00
05/23/08 5/22 Councilより参加 -2 -2.00
05/17/08 BT Illidanより参加 -1.00
05/16/08 05/15 BT +5DKPの修正(4ボス分参加の為) -1DKP -1.00
04/21/08 4/17 BT Raid Kohbo -4 : Boilから参加 -4.00
04/12/08 04/09 BT +6DKP修正(3ボスのみ参加の為) -3DKP -3.00
04/09/08 Epic Gem購入(T6 head 赤1、T6 chest 赤1オレンジ2、T6 shoulder 赤2 計3x4+2x2=16DKP) -16.00
04/04/08 04/03 Hyjal +5DKP修正(2ボスから参加の為) -1DKP -1.00
03/25/08 03/24 TK +4DKP修正(2ボスのみ参加の為) -2DKP -2.00
03/09/08 Epic Gem購入(red gem ->T6 hand 5DKP) -5.00
01/25/08 01/24 TK +4DKP修正(2ボスのみ参加の為) -2DKP -2.00
01/11/08 01/10 TK +4DKP修正(1ボス参加の為) -3DKP -3.00
08/29/07 初参加ボーナス +5DKP 5.00
... found 15 individual adjustment(s)

Attendance by Event
Event Percent
1 (50%)
Black Temple
53 (69%)
Hyjal Summit
34 (76%)
3 (50%)
Serpentshrine Cavern
36 (56%)
Sunwell Plateau
19 (42%)
The Eye
29 (66%)
2 (29%)

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