Terrible Ferret DKP
@Blackrock Horde

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Date Name Note Value
07/11/08 Sunwell Plateau bru 1.00
07/10/08 Black Temple BT 5Boss 5.00
07/10/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos/Bru(try) 2.00
07/09/08 Black Temple BT 4Boss 4.00
07/04/08 Black Temple BT 2Boss 2.00
07/03/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)1 1.00
07/03/08 Black Temple BT 3Boss 3.00
07/03/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos1 1.00
07/02/08 Black Temple [BT] 4boss 4.00
06/30/08 Sunwell Plateau 双子(try) 5.00
06/29/08 Magtheridons Lair mag 1.00
06/29/08 Gruuls Lair gruul 2.00
06/28/08 Sunwell Plateau Brutallus 1dkp/felmyst 初Kill 20dkp /双子(Try 1dkp 22.00
06/27/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run +5DKP 5.00
06/27/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos1 1.00
06/26/08 Black Temple [BT] 4boss 4.00
06/26/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)1 1.00
06/25/08 Black Temple [BT] 5boss 5.00
06/23/08 Magtheridons Lair mag 1.00
06/22/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Felmyst(try)5 5.00
06/22/08 Gruuls Lair gruul 2.00
06/22/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus1 1.00
06/22/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] 4boss 4.00
06/20/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos/bru (try 2.00
06/20/08 Hyjal Summit hyjal 1boss 1.00
06/19/08 Black Temple [BT] 3boss 3.00
06/19/08 Black Temple [BT] 6boss 6.00
06/15/08 Sunwell Plateau felmyst (try 5.00
06/15/08 Gruuls Lair gruul 2.00
06/14/08 25men代替Raid raid無し 2.00
06/13/08 Hyjal Summit hyjal 5boss 5.00
06/12/08 Sunwell Plateau bru/felmyst(try 6.00
06/12/08 Black Temple BT 3Boss 3.00
06/11/08 Sunwell Plateau SWP 1st 1.00
06/11/08 Black Temple BT 6 boss 6.00
06/09/08 Sunwell Plateau Felmyst try 5.00
06/08/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Felmyst(try)2 2.00
06/07/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Felmyst(try)2 2.00
06/07/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00
06/07/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00
06/07/08 Black Temple BT 2boss 2.00
06/06/08 Hyjal Summit hyjal 5boss 5.00
06/06/08 Sunwell Plateau Brutallus 20.00
06/05/08 Black Temple [BT] 3boss 3.00
06/05/08 Black Temple [BT] 4boss 4.00
06/04/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos1 1.00
06/01/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos1/Brutallus(try)2 3.00
05/31/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00
05/31/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00
05/31/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP] farm2 2.00
05/30/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run 5.00
05/30/08 Black Temple [BT] 3boss 3.00
05/28/08 Black Temple [BT] 6boss 6.00
05/24/08 The Eye [TK] 3boss 3.00
05/24/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00
05/24/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00
05/24/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus(try)2 2.00
05/23/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal] Full run +5DKP 5.00
05/23/08 Sunwell Plateau Brutallus try 2.00
05/22/08 Black Temple BT4boss 4.00
05/22/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos 1.00
05/21/08 Black Temple BT5boss 5.00
05/19/08 The Eye [TK] 2boss 2.00
05/18/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus(try)2 2.00
05/18/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]2boss 2.00
05/17/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Brutallus(try)2 2.00
05/17/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]3boss 3.00
05/17/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00
05/17/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00
05/17/08 Sunwell Plateau Kalecgos First Kill 20.00
05/16/08 Black Temple BE/Illidan 2.00
05/15/08 Black Temple [BT] 5boss 5.00
05/14/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00
05/14/08 Black Temple [BT] 2boss 2.00
05/11/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00
05/11/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]3boss 3.00
05/11/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00
05/10/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]2boss 2.00
05/10/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00
05/09/08 Black Temple [BT] 4boss 4.00
05/08/08 Black Temple BT3boss 3.00
05/08/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos Try 2.00
05/07/08 Sunwell Plateau kalecgos Try 2.00
05/07/08 Black Temple BT2Boss 2.00
05/05/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00
05/05/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00
05/03/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00
05/03/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)2 2.00
05/02/08 Black Temple [BT]Council1/Illidan1 2.00
05/02/08 Magtheridons Lair [ML]Magtheridon1 1.00
05/02/08 Black Temple [BT]Mother1 1.00
05/01/08 Hyjal Summit [Hyjal]Full run +5DKP 5.00
04/30/08 Black Temple [BT] 6boss 6.00
04/30/08 Gruuls Lair [GL]King1/Gruul1 2.00
04/28/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]GEM farm1(成果 2HでGEMx8+Epic皮手1個) 1.00
04/27/08 Sunwell Plateau [SWP]Kalecgos(try)1 1.00
04/27/08 Sunwell Plateau [SW] Kalecgos(try)1 1.00
04/25/08 Hyjal Summit Hyjal Fullrun 5.00
04/25/08 Magtheridons Lair mag 1.00
04/24/08 Black Temple Mother/BE/Illidan 3.00
... found 397 raid(s) / 100 per page

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